Zetsuen No Tempest (絶園のテンペスト Zetsuen no Tenpesuto?) is a Japanese manga series written by Kyō Shirodaira and illustrated by Arihide Sano and Ren Saizaki. An anime adaptation by Bones aired on October 2012 to March 2013. It has been licensed by Aniplex of America in North America and by Madman Entertainment in Australia.


The story revolves around Mahiro Fuwa, a teenager whose sister was mysteriously murdered one year before, and his friend Yoshino Takigawa. Mahiro is contacted by Hakaze Kusaribe, the leader of the Kusaribe clan who was left stranded on an unknown deserted island by her followers, and agrees to help Hakaze in exchange for her help to find out the culprit for the death of his family. Upon learning of his friend's intentions, Yoshino joins him on his quest to stand against the Kusaribe clan who intends to awaken the "Tree of Exodus" whose power can bring ruin to the entire world.

Several dialogues and plot elements in Zetsuen no Tempest pay homage to two works of William ShakespeareHamlet and The Tempest, which are two stories about retribution, albeit with completely opposing outcomes.